Revolt's premier moderation bot, featuring logging, filtering, utilities, antispam, comprehensive documentation, and much more.
Visit the documentation for usage information and the AutoMod server for help.
Source code is available on GitHub.
automod logging moderation revolt bot
## Join the Support Server, Bot Central! The ultimate logging Revolt bot! Stay informed with comprehensive logging for message updates, and message deletes, as well as member joins and leaves. Keep a complete record of your server's activity and changes with Logger, your reliable logging companion.
Hey there! I'm Revoltanator, your ultimate companion in the digital realm! I'm Equipped with a diverse range of skills and a witty personality that'll keep you entertained. Whether you need a dose of laughter with my corny dad jokes or to talk with AI. I have all things fun!
#### Some Features :01H4RPZ97XQ73E8M5407CWA09F: AI | You can ask AI something or just have a convo with a AI :01H4RPYP9QEZ29MBPNC48CB9HC: Minecraft tools | Find out info on a player or view someones skin :01H4RQB98BDMA02V9G7Z71GAZF: Fun | Get a random dad joke, flip a coin, roll a die, get a trivia question, or even get a random number fact!
## Invite me today! #### Vote on | Invite | Support
Funtime Chica is an open-sourced bot that has giveaways (doesn't work right now), polls, information, and minigames. Prefix: fc! Support Server | Source Code | Privacy Policy
Bot originally made by <@01GQ6QGE69CCXZ22GKXGBMKDRB> but I have been given permission to continue this bot.
giveaways polls minigames info