# Hello, I'm log it! (use li/help) I log your servers' events so you can keep track of what's happening!
Revolt: https://rvlt.gg/6Y9qycRa
Website: https://mu-mega-bots.github.io/log-it
bot logging utility moderation log logger events
Revolt's premier moderation bot, featuring logging, filtering, utilities, antispam, comprehensive documentation, and much more.
Visit the documentation for usage information and the AutoMod server for help.
Source code is available on GitHub.
automod logging moderation revolt bot
Moderation Logs Security ReactRole AutoRole General Games LinesinRows is a general purpose bot with various features to help you manage your server easily. Start to use with lr.help
LinesinRows, sunucunuzu kolaylıkla yönetebilmeniz için çeşitli özelliklere sahip genel kullanım amaçlı bir bottur. Kullanmaya başlamak için lr.yardim
LinesinRows — это бот общего назначения с различными функциями, которые помогут вам легко управлять своим сервером. Начните использовать с lr.помощь
Support Server Logo Designer: <@01JANDTSE1BJ2RBRPS7C6BDAXF>
Clone of BOBCAt, the best (quality is relative) moderation and utilities bot. I did not write it, the source code was made my crispy cat, he wants nothing to do with revolt tho. I can dm the source code, if you ask for it...
Prefix is t$