# Hello, I'm log it! (use li/help) I log your servers' events so you can keep track of what's happening!
Revolt: https://rvlt.gg/6Y9qycRa
Website: https://mu-mega-bots.github.io/log-it
bot logging utility moderation log logger events
Revolt's premier moderation bot, featuring logging, filtering, utilities, antispam, comprehensive documentation, and much more.
Visit the documentation for usage information and the AutoMod server for help.
Source code is available on GitHub.
automod logging moderation revolt bot
# Remix
Remix is the first open-source music bot for Revolt! if you need help or have any suggestions or feedback, join our support server. Please expect bugs from time to time as some features are under constant development.
# ⚠️ Playback issues ⚠️
There appears to be an issue with playing music. We're investigating the problem but it looks like Revolt's voice server is overloaded. Unless we can find an error on our side, we'll have to wait. Thank you for your patience! Add the bot here • Support Server • Sponsor • Web
- You can find Remix's source code here.
- Remix Discord Version.
For commands run %help
- Command prefix might vary from server to server. Run <@01FVB28WQ9JHMWK8K7RD0F0VCW> to get the prefix in the current server. Check for current downtime incidents: Status Page Vote for Remix on revoltbots.org
- Made by ShadowLp174 and NoLogicAlan
music musicbot bot watchtogether dashboard rythm
A bot to help you get things done in a PHLASH! Mostly just music right now. Supports queueing songs from youtube/soundcloud, playing livestreams or even radio, and setting filters for individual songs. (speed/reverb/bassboost)
I'm open source!
music bot musicbot
Clone of BOBCAt, the best (quality is relative) moderation and utilities bot. I did not write it, the source code was made my crispy cat, he wants nothing to do with revolt tho. I can dm the source code, if you ask for it...
Prefix is t$
# Hey I'm Error (use !err help) 404 Error ### I'm more meant for use as a meme or for fun
# We are NOT responsible for the image content it's third party Revolt: https://rvlt.gg/6Y9qycRa Website: https://mu-mega-bots.github.io/error
## Join the Support Server, Bot Central! The ultimate logging Revolt bot! Stay informed with comprehensive logging for message updates, and message deletes, as well as member joins and leaves. Keep a complete record of your server's activity and changes with Logger, your reliable logging companion.
Hey there! I'm Revoltanator, your ultimate companion in the digital realm! I'm Equipped with a diverse range of skills and a witty personality that'll keep you entertained. Whether you need a dose of laughter with my corny dad jokes or to talk with AI. I have all things fun!
#### Some Features :01H4RPZ97XQ73E8M5407CWA09F: AI | You can ask AI something or just have a convo with a AI :01H4RPYP9QEZ29MBPNC48CB9HC: Minecraft tools | Find out info on a player or view someones skin :01H4RQB98BDMA02V9G7Z71GAZF: Fun | Get a random dad joke, flip a coin, roll a die, get a trivia question, or even get a random number fact!
## Invite me today! #### Vote on revoltbots.org | Invite | Support
## Join the Support Server, Bot Central! The ultimate starboard Revolt bot! Easily showcase exceptional messages with a star emoji reaction system. StarBuddy automatically displays highly-rated messages on the starboard channel, fostering engagement and recognition within your community. Customize star thresholds, settings, and emoji with the user-friendly configuration system. Highlight standout content and celebrate the best moments with Starboard.
1st Revolt translation bot !
> Invite the bot >https://app.revolt.chat/bot/01HX0519791BX5BFWZ98MNS27H
> Support server >https://rvlt.gg/pfkGX8P9
100% free, no premium features, no limitations.
Introducing Revel, an amazing leveling bot that brings server leveling and global leveling to your Revolt experience! To get started, invite me to your server and use the command r!settings. If you ever need assistance or have any questions, don't hesitate to join our support server at Atlas. Let's level up together!
general revolt leveling level revoltbot
# Hello, I'm Announcements! (use a!help) I cross post messages from servers - I am intended to be used as an announcement system. Subscribe to other server's "announcement" channels and get those updates directly in your community! Revolt: https://rvlt.gg/6Y9qycRa Website: https://mu-mega-bots.github.io/announcements bot utility