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Bots on Revolt

Automatically send new posts from subreddits and redditors.

Commands work on both Redditors and Subreddits. Redditor: u/spez Subreddit: r/askreddit Support Server

Used in 290 servers
high usage

GitHub | Uptime

Revolt's premier moderation bot.

Thanks to @Amy. for designing the logo and banner!

To enable automated spam prevention use /botctl spam_detection on. Some automatic moderation features are enabled by default - More info.

For help join the AutoMod server.

Used in 3164 servers
high usage

Global Ads uses a global chat style system to allow users to easily send any ad in any server by simply sending your ad as a message.

Type g!help to view all commands.

Support | Website | Discord Equivalent

Used in 56 servers
high usage

Send messages with a different Name, Avatar and Colour. Usage: @Masquerade Send help message @Masquerade create {name} {Display Name} Create a masquerade name;Text you want to send Send a message as {name} Support Server Source Code

Used in 205 servers
high usage

Revower is a work in progress bot that bridges Meower Home and Group chats to your Revolt server or group!

The code is by <@01G7ZTGV4A424MQAXC2SYMXR6B>, and can be found at

This bot is merely just hosting <@01G7ZTGV4A424MQAXC2SYMXR6B>'s amazing code, to host the bot 24/7!

If you need to contact someone about this bot, send a message to <@01G42AFYKHK5RRKTAHYDAARWR8> or @JoshAtticus on Meower (

Used in 28 servers
high usage

Pluralkit alternative for revolt, BETA PluriPastries is a bot that tries to give plural systems a good experience here on revolt, still a work in progress, prone to crashing, but it works most of the times.

Support and news server Howdy person interested in pluriPastries.

needed permissions - Manage messages - masquerade

Used in 196 servers
medium usage

### Hello, I am YAGPRB. A general purpose revolt bot made to help you make your server a better place!

Some of me features are: - A customizable levelling system with level rewards! - The ability to make custom join/leave messages - A highlights system that notifies you whenever a message keyword is sent in chat

And even more. Add me to your server now and explore all my features!

Used in 2 servers
medium usage

Clone of BOBCAt, the best (quality is relative) moderation and utilities bot. I did not write it, the source code was made my crispy cat, he wants nothing to do with revolt tho. I can dm the source code, if you ask for it...

Prefix is t$

Used in 30 servers
medium usage

Nao - simple and cute Revolt bot for your server

I have such features as GPT, DALL-E, Starboard, Slowmode, Code Sandbox, Reminders, Markov Chain, utilities and much more!

- u can call me with nao help or .help! - @ping me to talk to a GPT-3 powered assistant! - join my support server if u have any questions!

#### be sure to join my support server and give feedback :)

Used in 234 servers
low usage

Hey there! I'm Revoltanator, your ultimate companion in the digital realm! I'm Equipped with a diverse range of skills and a witty personality that'll keep you entertained. Whether you need a dose of laughter with my corny dad jokes or to talk with AI. I have all things fun!

#### Some Features :01H4RPZ97XQ73E8M5407CWA09F: AI | You can ask AI something or just have a convo with a AI :01H4RPYP9QEZ29MBPNC48CB9HC: Minecraft tools | Find out info on a player or view someones skin :01H4RQB98BDMA02V9G7Z71GAZF: Fun | Get a random dad joke, flip a coin, roll a die, get a trivia question, or even get a random number fact!

## Invite me today! #### Vote on | Invite | Support

Used in 54 servers
low usage

## Join the Support Server, Bot Central! The ultimate logging Revolt bot! Stay informed with comprehensive logging for message updates, and message deletes, as well as member joins and leaves. Keep a complete record of your server's activity and changes with Logger, your reliable logging companion.

Used in 161 servers
low usage

Play: ".r" or ".g" Let's match the numbers Revolt Bots GitHub

Used in 5 servers
low usage

Create messages that will give roles when reacted to. Support Server Source Code

Used in 674 servers
low usage

Hello, I am Baldi. I can send people to detention, Find high quality Baldi's Basics mods, Baldi's Basics Roleplay commands, and more.

To get Started with me, use bb!help Support Server

DISCLAIMER: This bot is not made by or affilirated with mystman12/Basically Games and the creators of Baldi Basics and Baldi Basics Plus. This is a fanmade bot. This bot is intended to be more of a funny bot to provide fun for Baldi Basics fans.

Used in 18 servers
low usage