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GitHub | Uptime

Revolt's premier moderation bot.

Thanks to @Amy. for designing the logo and banner!

To enable automated spam prevention use /botctl spam_detection on. Some automatic moderation features are enabled by default - More info.

For help join the AutoMod server.

Used in 3175 servers
high usage

Nao - simple and cute Revolt bot for your server

I have such features as GPT, DALL-E, Starboard, Slowmode, Code Sandbox, Reminders, Markov Chain, utilities and much more!

- u can call me with nao help or .help! - @ping me to talk to a GPT-3 powered assistant! - join my support server if u have any questions!

#### be sure to join my support server and give feedback :)

Used in 237 servers
medium usage

Clone of BOBCAt, the best (quality is relative) moderation and utilities bot. I did not write it, the source code was made my crispy cat, he wants nothing to do with revolt tho. I can dm the source code, if you ask for it...

Prefix is t$

Used in 30 servers
low usage

Hello, I am Baldi. I can send people to detention, Find high quality Baldi's Basics mods, Baldi's Basics Roleplay commands, and more.

To get Started with me, use bb!help Support Server

DISCLAIMER: This bot is not made by or affilirated with mystman12/Basically Games and the creators of Baldi Basics and Baldi Basics Plus. This is a fanmade bot. This bot is intended to be more of a funny bot to provide fun for Baldi Basics fans.

Used in 19 servers
low usage