# Remix
Remix is the first open-source music bot for Revolt! if you need help or have any suggestions or feedback, join our support server. Please expect bugs from time to time as some features are under constant development.
# ⚠️ Playback issues ⚠️
There appears to be an issue with playing music. We're investigating the problem but it looks like Revolt's voice server is overloaded. Unless we can find an error on our side, we'll have to wait. Thank you for your patience! Add the bot here • Support Server • Sponsor • Web
- You can find Remix's source code here.
- Remix Discord Version.
For commands run %help
- Command prefix might vary from server to server. Run <@01FVB28WQ9JHMWK8K7RD0F0VCW> to get the prefix in the current server. Check for current downtime incidents: Status Page Vote for Remix on revoltbots.org
- Made by ShadowLp174 and NoLogicAlan
music musicbot bot watchtogether dashboard rythm