# Hey I'm Error (use !err help) 404 Error ### I'm more meant for use as a meme or for fun
# We are NOT responsible for the image content it's third party Revolt: https://rvlt.gg/6Y9qycRa Website: https://mu-mega-bots.github.io/error
Hey there! I'm Revoltanator, your ultimate companion in the digital realm! I'm Equipped with a diverse range of skills and a witty personality that'll keep you entertained. Whether you need a dose of laughter with my corny dad jokes or to talk with AI. I have all things fun!
#### Some Features :01H4RPZ97XQ73E8M5407CWA09F: AI | You can ask AI something or just have a convo with a AI :01H4RPYP9QEZ29MBPNC48CB9HC: Minecraft tools | Find out info on a player or view someones skin :01H4RQB98BDMA02V9G7Z71GAZF: Fun | Get a random dad joke, flip a coin, roll a die, get a trivia question, or even get a random number fact!
## Invite me today! #### Vote on revoltbots.org | Invite | Support
Funtime Chica is an open-sourced bot that has giveaways (doesn't work right now), polls, information, and minigames. Prefix: fc! Support Server | Source Code | Privacy Policy
Bot originally made by <@01GQ6QGE69CCXZ22GKXGBMKDRB> but I have been given permission to continue this bot.
giveaways polls minigames info
Hello, I am Baldi. I can send people to detention, Find high quality Baldi's Basics mods, Baldi's Basics Roleplay commands, and more.
To get Started with me, use bb!help Support Server | Website | Invite Discord Bot (verified by Discord)
DISCLAIMER: This bot is not made by or affilirated with mystman12/Basically Games and the creators of Baldi Basics and Baldi Basics Plus. This is a fanmade bot. This bot is intended to be more of a funny bot to provide fun for Baldi Basics fans.
baldi ai